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Towards a Structural Investigation of the Putative Axon Initial Segment Ankyrin Complex
Hanne Ingmer, Professor, Dept. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Albumin as a delivery platform for potent immune modulation in Allergen Specific Immunotherapy
Ph.d.-forsvar, torsdag den 27. juni 2024, Pernille Nedergaard Madsen
Nikolaj Abel: Phosphorylation of the alpha-I motif is essential for root nodule symbiosis
Silvia Turchetto: Local Regulation of Synaptic Ubiquitin…
Detection of recombination and de novo mutations in PacBio HiFi reads
Tamo Meijburg går på pension, og i den anledning inviterer instituttet på en reception for kollegaer, venner og familie.
Alessandra Brambati, Postdoc, Sloan Kettering Institute, NY
Robust Inference Software in Population Genetics
Matthew Diamond: Sorting out the factors that lead to a single choice.
Duda Kvitsiani: Time-dependant engagement of medial prefrontal cortex in…
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