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MBG researcher on the top 100 list of most cited ever

Associate Professor Morten Kjeldgaard is co-author of an article that is on the top 100 list of most cited.

Morten Kjeldgaard

The journal Nature has made a list of the 100 most cited research articles ever. The article Morten Kjeldgaard co-authored was published in Acta Crystallographica in 1991 with the title: Improved methods for building protein models in electron density maps and the location of errors in disse model.

First author T. Alwyn Jones was a professor at the BMC, Uppsala, when the collaboration with Aarhus began in 1989 when Morten Kjeldgaard worked in the Biostructural Chemistry group (now Section for Structural Biology), and the collaboration on the project involved numerous trips to Uppsala during this period and until 2000.

The article in Acta Cryst. was one of several, but it was the one that attracted the largest number of citations (12649), and it has now become among the 100 most cited articles ever.

In fact, a considerable number of articles from "crystallography" are found on the top 100 list, which is an unexpected and welcome contribution to "The International Year of Crystallography 2014", an event that was marked earlier this year at Aarhus University with a conference organised by the Section for Structural Biology.

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Associate Professor Morten Kjeldgaard
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Aarhus University, Denmark