Peter Skov Kristensen: Improving baking quality of wheat
PhD defence, Tuesday 5. March 2019. Peter Skov Kristensen.
During his industrial PhD project, Peter Skov Kristensen studied the use of genetic markers for prediction of wheat quality traits. Determination of baking quality in wheat lines is challenging and requires many resources. Genomic prediction can be used for prediction of quality traits based on a large number of genetic markers. Nine quality traits were studied in breeding material from the Danish plant breeding company Nordic Seed A/S. The results were promising for all traits and can facilitate the implementation of genomic prediction in wheat breeding programs.
The industrial PhD degree was completed at Nordic Seed A/S and Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Science and Technology, Aarhus University.
This résumé was prepared by the PhD student.
Time: Tuesday 5 March 2019 at 10.00
Place: Nordic Seed, Grindsnabevej 25, 8300 Odder.
Title of PhD thesis: Genomic prediction of baking quality in winter wheat
Contact information: Peter Skov Kristensen, e-mail:, tel.: +45 27802042
Members of the assessment committee:
Professor Volker Mohler, Institute for Crop Science and Plant Breeding, Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Germany.
Researcher Morten Lillemo, Department of Plant Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway.
Associate professor Bernt Guldbrandtsen (chair), Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University
Main supervisors:
Professor Just Jensen, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University
Professor Ahmed Jahoor, Head of breeding and research, Nordic Seed A/S
Jeppe Reitan Andersen, Head of wheat breeding, Nordic Seed A/S
Language: The PhD dissertation will be defended in English
The defence is public.
The PhD thesis is available for reading at the Graduate School of Science and Technology/GSST, Ny Munkegade 120, building 1520 and 1521, 8000 Aarhus C.