Aarhus Universitets segl

Christmas decoration competition 2021

Who makes the most beautifully decorated hallway, office/laboratory door at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics? Originality and work put into the project were of high importance for finding the winners of the competition.

 It was VERY difficult to decide who should have the prizes as there were many beautiful decorations.

The three winning teams will get a large box of chocolate for sharing.

The three winning decorations

3130.208 - Jan, Lynette, Esben, Søren, Kien, Emil & Mikael

1131, 5 floor - Ørom and Pedersen Groups (Samir Watson)

3135. 211 - Line, Thibaud, Azadeh & Caroline

All the participating Christmas decorations

3132.2.21 - Rie, Bente & Tanja

1131, 5 floor - Ørom and Pedersen Groups (Samir Watson)

1130-310 - Rikke & Helle

3135. 211 - Line, Thibaud, Azadeh & Caroline

3130.2.01 - Karen Bech-Pedersen

3135.210 - Charlott, Ronja, Michael, Rasmus, Antoni & Louise

3130.208 - Jan, Lynette, Esben, Søren, Kien, Emil & Mikael