Aarhus Universitets segl

Julián Valero modtager et ERC Consolidator Grant fra det europæiske forskningsråd

Tenure-track adjunkt Julián Valero fra Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik/iNANO modtager et ERC Consolidator Grant fra Det Europæiske Forskningsråd (ERC) til udvikling af en ny klasse af biohybride, sammenkoblede molekyler. Bevillingen er på EUR 2,0 mio. (ca. 15 mio. kr.) og løber over fem år.

Julián Valero

Project title: Biomolecular regulation with interlocked cyclic oligonucleotides (BioRIcON)

Assistant Professor Valero and his team aim to develop a novel class of biohybrid interlocked molecules (BIMs) that mimics the function of proteions and enables precise biomolecular regulation.

“My project introduces an entirely new concept in artificial biology and biomolecular control,” explains Valero. “The BIMs we’re developing will contain dynamic components designed to operate efficiently in cells with high spatio-temporal resolution. Using small cyclic oligonucleotides (cONs) mechanically bound—like links in a chain—to other biomolecules, we aim to precisely regulate their function.”

The resulting BIMs merge the best of two worlds: i) the programmability and biocompatibility features of oligonucleotides (DNA and RNA), and ii) the robustness and scalable production of synthetic mechanically interlocked systems. These exceptional properties open new avenues for the design of smart and adaptive molecular switches and motors that can react in a controlled and reversible manner in response to external stimulus in complex biological settings.

BioRIcON will significantly advance the toolbox of biomimetic systems and enable their integration in processes such as gene regulation and protein expression. This will help unravel the mechanisms of fundamental biological processes and hold enormous innovative potential in biosensing and biomedicine.

A total of 328 researchers have been awarded this grant, which aims to support outstanding scientist and scholars as they establish their independent research teams and develop their most promising scientific ideas.

For more information about the other recipients, please visit the European Research Council's website

Contact information

Tenure-track Assistant Professor Julián Valero
Aarhus University
Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Email: jvalero@mbg.au.dk