Aarhus University Seal


The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics strives to ensure that new knowledge generated by researchers is communicated to a wider group in society, and as far as possible leads to the development of new products and technologies. Among other things, this is reflected in collaboration with companies, patents, entrepreneurship, industrial PhD's, collaboration with secondary school pupils as well as dissemination of knowledge to the general public.

Knowledge exchange has high priority at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Whenever possible, new results published by the researchers result in the development of new products and/or technologies.

Several of the new discoveries from researchers and students at MBG have therefore been patented over the years. These researchers and students have worked with existing companies or formed their own companies to develop these products, technologies or methodologies.

Over the years, the department has also had several PhD students who have formed a bridge between the company and the department in the form of an Industrial PhD.

The department also sees it as an important task to provide the general public with information about the researchers’ findings in the form of popular descriptions of the results in the media.

In addition, an important group for the department’s dissemination is upper secondary school students, and we therefore offer lectures, experiments in laboratories and help with final study projects for upper secondary school students in their last year.

In addition, the collaboration with other researchers in Denmark and abroad plays an extremely important role in connection with knowledge exchange. 

The department has an alumni network , where former and present staff and students are invited to various events at the department as well as being updated on news from the deparatment on MBG's LinkedIn network.