Aarhus University Seal

Current students

Student organisation at MBG

Molekylærbiologisk Cellskab

The board of MBC <bestyrelsen.mbc@gmail.com>

Friday's bar at MBG

The Friday's student bar at MBG is called CRISBaR


Scholarships to support molecular biology and molecular medicine students at AU

Ranganatha Rajagopal, formerly employed at the Department of Plant Physiology, part of the current Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, has donated an amount to the department to honour former professor at the department, Poul Larsen, who was his supervisor at the University of Bergen.

The donation is intended to support molecular biology and molecular medicine students with an ethnic background other than Danish, as well as to support the exchange of foreign Bachelor, Master and PhD students at Aarhus University.

In special cases, a scholarship can be given to financially challenged, foreign PhD students. Specifically, professionally engaged students at Bachelor's or Master's level can apply for scholarships of up to DKK 32,000. The application should contain a justification for the need for support, a description of professional interests and career plans, as well as a transcript. There is no need for supervisor contact or a letter of support. Please note that the scholarship is taxable, and is reported by AU as B income when disbursed.

Link to application form for students

In addition, the donation can be given for the following purposes:

  1. Support to students at Bachelor's or Master's level from a foreign university. Supervisors can apply for up to DKK 20,000 in support for research stays of 1-3 months at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics for foreign students, e.g. over the summer holidays or as an extension of an ERASMUS stay. The grant can only be used for specified and well-argued travel and accommodation expenses. The student must not be enrolled at AU at the time of application. The applicant must be a group leader at MBG and attach a letter of support.
  2. Support for scientific summer schools at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Group leaders can apply for up to DKK 50,000 to cover specified and well-argued travel and accommodation expenses for foreign Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students from countries where participation would be difficult without financial support. The applicant must be a group leader at MBG and attach a letter of support.

Link to application form for group leaders

Application deadlines every year: 1 February, 1 May, 1 August and 1 November. Please note that support for students at summer schools must be applied for by 1 May. A reply can be expected within a month. Up to 15 grants are awarded per year.

To administer the grant, the department has set up a committee consisting of Ditlev Brodersen, Charlotte Rohde Knudsen, Claus Oxvig, Simona Radutoiu and Knud Larsen.

Application for admission of foreign students must contain the following information:

Name of student
Education + place + country
Degrees + expected degrees
Total stay in Denmark + project period (start/end)
1/2 page project description
Specified expenses
Letter of support from supervisor

Application for support for summer schools must contain the following information:

Name of applicant
Subject and scope of summer school
Expected number of participants
Budget for grants

Synapse - Life Science Connect Aarhus 

Synapse - Life Science Connect is a student-driven, non-profit organization that creates events, workshops, and networking opportunities for students and young professionals with an interest in pursuing careers in the life science environment.

Website: https://www.synapse-connect.org/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SynapseAarhus