Aarhus University Seal

Mogens Sandø Lund awarded diploma from the Danish Council for Strategic Research

The chairman of the Danish Council for Strategic Research, Peter Olesen, awards diplomas to the three researchers who were given a grant by the council for a centre in 2012.

The three researchers, who were given a centre grant, receive the diploma from Peter Olesen. From left to right: Chairman Peter Olesen, Professor Per Torp Sangild (KU), Professor Mogens Sandø Lund (AU) and Associate Professor Qingfeng Li (DTU). Photo: The Danish Council for Strategic Research

At the Annual Meeting 2013 this week, the Chairman of the Danish Council for Strategic Research, Peter Olesen, awarded two main prizes and three diplomas to the researchers who were given a grant by the council for a centre in 2012.

Mogens Sandø Lund from MBG was awarded a diploma in connection with his grant to etablish a new research centre for genomic selection (GenSAP).

More information

Professor Mogens Sandø Lund
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics
Aarhus University, Denmark
mogens.lund@agrsci.dk - +45 20751222