Aarhus University Seal

Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 equipped with an apotome 2 unit (inverted setup)

Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 equipped with an apotome 2 unit (inverted setup) 1873-626

LED lasers

365 nm

470 nm

555 nm

625 nm


5x 0.16              (Plan-Neofluar)                                                                                   WD 18,5 mm

10x 0.45            (Plan-Apochromat)                                                                             WD   2,0 mm

20x 0.8              (Plan-Apochromat)                                                                             WD   0,55 mm

40x 0.95 Corr     (Plan-Apochromat)                                                                             WD   0,25 mm

63x 1.4 oil /DIC  (Plan-Apochromat)                                                                             WD   0,19 mm

40x LD 0.6 Corr  (Plan-Neofluar)                                                                                  WD   2,5 mm  


Filter sets                                       Excitation                                                                   Emission          

49 DAPI/Hoecst                          G 365                FT395                                              BP 445/50        

38 GFP /Alexa 488                      BP 470/40         FT495                                              BP 525/50

43 Alexa 555 /Cy3                       BP 545/25         FT570                                              BP 605/70

50 Alexa 647/Cy5                        BP 640/30         FT660                                              BP 690/50

Camera             AxioCam HRm