Aarhus University Seal

General rules

Rules for use of the imaging facility:

General rules

You are only allowed to use the microscopes that you have received training for. Contact Lisbeth Bioimaging@mbg.au.dk to book a training session. If you are setting up a new type of experiment come by my office to discuss which microscope will fit your needs before booking the training.

No food or drinks are allowed in the microscope rooms

Cleaning and shutdown:

Clean any oil from lenses using a clean and dry lens paper.

Before leaving remember to check the booking system if no one is booked on the system for the next two hours close down the system according to the manual.

Fill in the log-book next to the microscope after use.

Report any problems with the systems to Bioimaging@mbg.au.dk.

Booking and cancellation:

Bookings are personal and you are not allowed to book the system for other users.

Please keep to your time slot. If you need more time and the system are not booked by others you can book additional time slots.

Data and IT:

Transfer your data to you own server-drive after use. Data saved on the system computers will be deleted regularly without warning.