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Dimitrios Stamou, Professor at University of Copenhagen, Director at Center for Geometrically Engineered Cellular Systems
Cellular Health, Intervention and Nutrition
Anette Kjems, Bente Andersen og Bente Flügel Majgren har været ansat på Aarhus Universitet i 25 år hver især. I den anledning inviterer Institut for…
DANDRITE and the Centre for Educational Development (CED) invites all DANDRITE postdocs, assistant professors and PhD students who supervise (or who…
"Deciphering the epigenetic landscape of the brain: Innovations in chromatin profiling with single-cell nano-CUT&Tag" by Marek Bartosovic, Stockholm…
Pia Møller Martensen går på pension fra Aarhus Universitet. I den anledning inviterer Institut for Molekylærbiologi og Genetik kollegaer, venner og…
"Molekylær basis for plante-mikrobe signalering”
Professor Martin Røssel Larsen, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark
Towards a Structural Investigation of the Putative Axon Initial Segment Ankyrin Complex
Hanne Ingmer, Professor, Dept. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen
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