Aarhus Universitets segl

AI workshop on science writing

This one-day workshop will be run by Morten Pilegaard and speakers from MBG.

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Tirsdag 29. oktober 2024,  kl. 09:00 - 15:00


1870-816 (Faculty club)

We invite you to join the AI workshop for scientific writing organised by the Postdoc Association. Learn how to employ various AI tools for your next grant application or publication!

We are happy to be joined by Prof. Morten Pilegaard from the School of Communication and Culture, who will lead a 4-hour workshop. Topics will include:

  • AI prompting: principles and best practices
  • AI for: brainstorming research ideas; topic exploration; generating outlines; modelling writing formats (including applications; add-on); summarising literature; writing, editing and refining text; translating scientific content
  • A catalogue of prompts & patterns to get you started
  • Power-point presentations
  • Hands-on exercises

After this general workshop on AI in science writing, Prof. Esben Lorentzen will bring a more MBG-focused perspective on the use of AI in research.

We will provide coffee and sandwiches for lunch.

We hope you will sign up for the workshop (registration link) and we look forward to seeing you in person on the 29th of October in the Faculty Club (1870-816).