Aarhus University Seal

MBG University City

MBG University City

  • MBG has moved into the newly renovated buildings of the former "Kommunehospital"


Parking facilities in the University City

Possible parking spaces close to our buildings: Trøjborgvej (Lille Barnow parking lot) just opposite building 1874.

Other spaces a little further away: Nobelparken, Campus or The parking house on Peter Sabroes Gade (se photo with map and picture below)

Bicycle parking: 335 bicycle parking spaces will be established by Building 1870 (main entrance).

See the overview of parking options (in Danish)

MBG's new address at the University City

After the move, the department will have the following official address:

Universitetsbyen 81, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Address for mail and parcels:

Universitetsbyen 83, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark