to be held at The Lakeside Lecture Theatres, Per Kirkeby Auditorium
09:00_09:05 | Welcome by Ditlev E. Brodersen | |
09:05–09:15 | Opening remarks by Erik Østergaard Jensen | |
09:15-09:25 | Forskerfight - introduction | |
09:25–10:15 | Forskerfight – session 1 | |
09:25-09:35 | Center for kvantitativ genetik og genomforskning, Foulum Mogens Sandø Lund : “Quantitative Genetics and Genomics – the case of bovinemastitis” | |
09:35-09:45 | Plantemolekylærbiologi Elena Simona Radutoiu: “Plant explorers” | |
09:45-09:55 | Strukturel biologi Gregers Rom Andersen: “Interactions and catalysis” | |
09:55-10:05 | Afgrødegenetik og bioteknologi, Flakkebjerg Preben Bach Holm: “From field to gene to field” | |
10:05-10:15 | Molekylær intervention Peter Andreasen: ”Molecular intervention” | |
10:15–10:35 | Coffee break | |
10:35–11:35 | Forskerfight – session 2 | |
10:35-10:45 | Molekylær ernæring Esben Skipper Sørensen: “You are what you eat – but why?” | |
10:45-10:55 | Proteinvidenskab Daniel Otzen: ”They’re our proteins” | |
10:55-11:05 | Genomekspression, stabilitet og teknologi Torben Heick Jensen: ”Genome expression, stability, and technology” | |
11:05-11:15 | Molekylær genetik og systembiologi Christian Bendixen: ”Lack of intragenic non-complementation between alleles at the CSD-locus in Apis Mellifera” | |
11:15-11:25 | Molekylær celle- og udviklingsbiologi Pia Møller Martensen: “Live and Let Die” | |
11:25-11:35 | Genmedicin Finn Skov Pedersen: ”Section for Gene Medicine: Discovery, Targeting, Delivery....” | |
11:35-11:45 | Group photo** - staff and students of MBG | |
11:45-13:15 | Lunch and exhibitions | |
13:15-14:45 | Ole Jensen Hamming, Rune Hartmann lab “The extracellular domains of the IL-21 receptor are bridged by glycosylation through conserved anchor points” Angelique Broghammer, Jens Stougaard lab “Legume receptors perceive the rhizobial lipchitooligosaccharide signal molecules” Andreas Bøggild, Ditlev Brodersen lab “The structure of intact E. coli RelBE suggests a structural basis for conditional cooperativity” Gitte Albinus Pedersen, Lene Nejsum lab “E-cadherin signaling is hi-jacked by Enteropathogenic E.coli” Anna Schönherz, MBG Foulum “Inter-species transmission of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus between turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss)” Peter Refsing Andersen, Torben Heick Jensen lab “Metabolism of human sn(o)RNAs – links between degradation and biogenesis | |
14:45-15:00 | Coffee break | |
15:00-15:15 | Teaching prize ceremony | |
15:15-16:00 | May-Britt Moser: The brain and space | |
16:00-18:00 | Faculty of Science and Technology Event | |
| Dinner and party with entertainment and live music |
*The winner of the "Forskerfight" will be announced during dinner.
**In case of rain, the photo will be taken in the Per Kirkeby Auditorium