Aarhus University Seal

Booking and prices


Internal users that know how to use the instruments can book the instruments directly in the Outlook calendar for each instrument. External or new users should contact Jan Nowak (jsn@mbg.au.dk)


Instrument fees go towards consumables and servicing of the instruments. 

Internal users (e.g. university researchers) 

Internal users are charged a low daily rate for each instrument that reflects the maintenance cost and some basic consumables. Invoices are sent quarterly directly to the PI. 

nanoDSF Daily fee 200 dkk
Mass photometry Daily fee 300 dkk
ITC Daily fee 200 dkk
MST Daily fee 200 dkk
Plate reader Daily fee 100 dkk
GCI  Daily fee 300 dkk

External users (e.g companies) 

Commercial users are charged the full economic cost including maintenance, salary, and depreciation in accordance with regulations. Note that we are also open for small-scale outsourced research. Invoices for instrument use are sent quarterly, while outsourced research invoices are sent after delivering the data and analysis. 

nanoDSF Daily fee 1360.63 dkk
Mass photometry Daily fee 1674.96 dkk
ITC Daily fee 693.99 dkk
MST Daily fee 858.02 dkk
Plate reader Daily fee 620.09 dkk
GCI  Daily fee 2563.41 dkk
TAP assistance Hourly fee 970.5 dkk