Aarhus University Seal


The Section for Neurobiology is part of the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience – DANDRITE 

- the Danish node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine, which performs basic and translational research in brain and the nervous system.  

Groups at DANDRITE encompass ambitious research programs that include:

  • Molecular and cellular mechanisms of memory
  • Effort-based decision making
  • Neuronal development and stem cells
  • Motor control
  • Brain processing of vision
  • Neurological and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Neurotrophic receptors, sorting
  • Structural biology of membrane transporters and receptors

Read more about the research at DANDRITE.

Below you see the list of researchers at DANDRITE affiliated with the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.


Poul Nissen

Vice-Dean, Research Dean's Office, Natural Sciences

Associate Professors

Thomas Boesen

Senior Researcher Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center - INANO-MBG, iNANO-huset

Taro Kitazawa

Group Leader, Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology

Magnus Kjærgaard

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology

Sayyed - Mohammad - Sadegh Nabavi

Group Leader, Associate Professor DANDRITE - Nabavi Group

Hanne Poulsen

Team Leader DANDRITE - Poulsen Team

Chao Sun

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - Neurobiology