Aarhus University Seal

Seminars and Facility visits

To attract and integrate world class scientific teaching in the courses, a common seminar series will be arranged across all four courses, with each course inviting one world-leading international speaker with experience in interdisciplinary teaching and research.
Each seminar will be followed by a visit to a local facility.

Seminars and facility visits:
Students from all courses will be invited to the full seminar and facility visit series with talks at regular intervals throughout the semester.
The sessions will generally start at 4pm and include a short introduction of the local experimental MSc course, a talk by an invited speaker and a facility visit followed by dinner.

Indicative timetable for the seminar and facility visits

16:10 – 16:55

Talk by invited speaker including a 30 minute student Q&A session

16:55 – 17:05


17:05 – 18:00

Facility visit

18:00 -


Each university will host a Seminar and Facility visit during the spring semester. Participants from the hosting university will participate in person, participants from the other universities will attend online via Zoom. After each event a light meal will be served locally.
Any travel costs associated with the visit will be covered by ITEASc.

Schedule for the 2024 seminar and facility visits:


Hosting University


Talk title

Facility visit

Postponed to autumn 2024

Technical University of Denmark

Raimund Mokso

The 3D Imaging Center at DTU

2 May, 4pm

Aarhus University

Wolfgang Busch

Salk institute for Biological Studies

Engineering Root Traits for Climate Change Mitigation

Cryo-EM Facility

Facility manager Thomas Boesen

3 June

University of Southern Denmark

Jonathan Brewer

Imaging approaches within various research areas at SDU

The Danish Molecular Biomedical Imaging Center (DaMBIC) facility visit


11 June

University of Copenhagen

VR session

Luciano Andres Abriata

Fabio Cortes