Aarhus Universitets segl

Protein Design and In Silico Interaction

Protein Design and In Silico Interaction Core Facility

Booking and prices

The MBG Protein Design and In Silico Interaction core facility supports researchers in protein design and computational modeling of protein interactions through hands-on guidance and assistance. We provide access to tools such as RFDiffusion, ProteinMPNN, and AlphaFold 2, along with specialized workflows like AlphaPulldown.

Our focus is on helping users develop their own skills and workflows for projects ranging from pilot to small-scale levels, including:

  • Guidance for researchers new to protein design
  • Support in building and customizing pipelines across different software platforms
  • Assistance with script development and workflow optimization to improve efficiency
  • Help with visualizing scientific topics, including creating journal covers or posters

The facility is open for Aarhus University scientists as well as local companies to a limited extent on a fee-for-service basis.

If you would like to discuss potential project, please contact Rune Kidmose (rtk@mbg.au.dk)