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Assoc. Prof. Emma Andersson from Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Afdækning af strukturen og funktionen af cilia proteinet IFT172
How viruses use their capsid to escape immune detection and how cells bypass this protection
Structural investigation of receptors and signaling components governing plant-microbe interactions
Biophysics and Mass spec core facilities
Architecture & Mechanism of Intraflagellar Transport in Cilium Formation
Andrea Moreno: Interrogating forgetting in vivo: an optogenetic, electrophysiological and behavioural approach. Seandean Lykke Harwood: Understanding…
Decoding selectivity in membrane proteins - Auxin transport
Invitation til indvielse af de udlånte værker fra Statens Kunstfond
This workshop will focus on how your own writing practice can be used as a vehicle for supervising students.
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