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Bong-Kiun Kaang, Professor at the School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, South Korea
The aim of the course is to provide training in cryo-EM image processing including the latest developments of the field. No registration needed.
Alex Cameron Harvey. Vejleder: Poul Nissen. Medvejleder: Hanne Poulsen.
Kristoffer Pors Jakobsen. Vejleder: Torben Heick Jensen.
Robin Andersson, Associate Professor of Bioinformatics, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen
Bijayalaxmi Swain. Vejleder: Poul Nissen. Medvejleder: Duda Kvitsiani.
Eber Daniel Villa Rodríguez. Vejleder: Simona Radutoiu, Sektionen for Plantemolekylærbiologi
Professor Søren Paludan, Dept. of Biomedicine, inviterer MBG til åbningen af hans nye center med videnskabelige foredrag.
Postdoc Jonathan Flores, Oregon Health & Science University, USA
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