We study natural variation mainly in three legume species: Lotus japonicus, white clover and faba bean. Our aim is to detect and understand the genetic signatures left by selection, natural or plant breeding-associated, and to dissect the genetic basis of complex traits. We are particularly interested in the impact of plant-microbe interactions, especially those involving legumes, their nitrogen-fixing rhizobial symbionts and complex soil microbial communities. To investigate these topics, we make extensive use of high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatic analysis, including genome assembly, variant calling, QTL and GWA mapping, microbiome analysis, and transcriptional profiling including single-cell RNA-seq. As part of the Section for Plant Molecular Biology, which studies plant-microbe interactions using a variety of techniques, we also carry out wet-lab experiments to validate hypotheses on gene function and collaborate with breeders on field phenotyping.
Stig’s group receives funding from two Innovation Fund Denmark grants and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program as well as the InRoot consortium funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Here you can find the group’s publications and pre-prints.
If you are interested in our work or would like to join the group, please contact Stig U. Andersen (sua@mbg.au.dk).