Aarhus University Seal

Research in the media

Podcast: Mælk

En ko er ret så smart. Den kan spise og omsætte græs, som vi mennesker ikke kan bruge til føde, og ud af dens yver kommer mælk. Det har vi i Danmark haft stor gavn af i mange tusinde år. Men er det biologisk set ikke en besynderlig praksis at indtage kirtelsekret beregnet til at ernære uudviklede dyreunger? De seneste år virker det til, at lactoseallergi spreder sig med lynets hast, men er der grund til at forsage mælken, hvis man ellers kan fordøje den? Og hvilke af de flere typer mælk, der findes på markedet, er gode til hvad

Medvirkende: Esben Skipper Sørensen, Erik Strange Petersen, Jesper Troelsen. Vært: Emil Hoffmann Nielsen.  

Avoid liver injury and drink milk with your Christmas schnapps

Collaboration between Danish, Japanese and American researchers has shown that the milk protein osteopontin can slow down the development of liver injury caused by alcohol abuse.

Read more about the research results.

Avoid liver injury and drink milk with your Christmas schnapps

Collaboration between Danish, Japanese and American researchers has shown that the milk protein osteopontin can slow down the development of liver injury caused by alcohol abuse.

Read more about the research results.

Milk can much more than we think

Improving infant formula. Preventing cavities in the teeth. Help for wound healing. Food for astronauts.
The discovery of the protein OPN in milk proves to have great potential.

Milk can much more than we think

Improving infant formula. Preventing cavities in the teeth. Help for wound healing. Food for astronauts.
The discovery of the protein OPN in milk proves to have great potential.

New Professor of Bioactive Food Proteins

Esben Skipper Sørensen has been appointed professor of bioactive food proteins at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University, Denmark.

New Professor of Bioactive Food Proteins

Esben Skipper Sørensen has been appointed professor of bioactive food proteins at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Aarhus University, Denmark.