Aarhus Universitets segl

Potentielle jobmuligheder på Fyn

Potentielle jobmuligheder i biotek virksomheder på Fyn


Helgavej 26, 5230 Odense M, Tlf. 22 48 56 67, 

ALGIECEL offers a solution in the form of a technology and business model to capture CO2 emissions and issue carbon credits, which are then traded on private marketplaces. ALGIECEL will focus on the small and mid-size industries with CO2 challenges considered too small for P2X, with our modular and easy-to-install solution. Initially, our clients will be industries like biogas production plants, fermentation plants or power generation plants. ALGIECEL´s primary target market for the photobioreactor is the biogas sector, which is experiencing significant growth with around 18,000 plants in Europe today, compared with only 6,000 in 2009.

Amplexa Genetics A/S

Sverigesgade 24, 5000 Odense C, Tlf. +45 66 11 66 28, E-mail: 

Amplexa designer, udvikler og implementerer løsninger til sundhedsindustrien, fertilitetsklinikker, fødevareindustri, dyrlægeklinik, veterinær fertilitet, farmaceutisk industri, fjerkræindustrien, svinebrug, landbrugsindustri og fiskeriindustri. Amplexa tilbyder omfattende teknologiske løsninger, der kombinerer videnskab og informations-teknologi med en bioinformatikservice. Amplexa udfører bla. next generation sequencing (NGS), multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA) bruges til at analysere genkopinummervariationer (CNV'er) forbundet med sygdomme. MLPA bruges til at detektere deletioner, duplikationer, amplifikationer og alt fra komplette kromosomer til enkelte exoner. 10X Single Cell RNA-seq er den nyeste generation af NGS-sekventeringsteknikker, som muliggør analyse af transkriptomer, celleoverflade-proteinprofiler, immunklonotype, antigenspecificitet, kromatintilgængelighed ect. på celle-for-celle basis. Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) er en forfining af den konventionelle PCR-metode.

Ampliqon A/S

Stenhuggervej 22, 5230 Odense, Tlf. 70 20 11 69, 

Ampliqon A/S er en danskejet virksomhed, som fremstiller PCR enzymer og laboratoriereagenser. Ampliqon producerer et bredt sortiment af standard- og kundetilpassede produkter, som anvendes på hospitaler, universiteter, forskningsinstitutioner og Life science industrier over hele verden. Ampliqons produktsortiment omfatter PCR enzymer og PCR relaterede reagenser, som dækker alle dine behov til PCR og qPCR.  Ampliqons omfattende produktlinje består af mere end tusind specialfremstillede laboratoriereagenser. Ampliqon producerer og forhandler laboratoriereagenser med enten Ampliqons egne etiketter eller som private label-produkter. 

Aurora Nordic Cannabis A/S

Bindekildevej 10, 5250 Odense

Aurora Nordic Cannabis A/S er et datterselskab af Aurora Cannabis Inc., en af verdens største lovlige cannabisproducenter. Fra vores højteknologiske EU GMP-godkendte anlæg i Odense leverer vi produkter til det hurtigt voksende europæiske marked for medicinsk cannabis til behandling af en lang række medicinske tilstande. Med mere end 9.200 m² produktionsareal, og en årlig produktion på ca. 10.000 kg medicinsk cannabis af høj kvalitet, er Aurora Nordic Cannabis A/S godt positioneret til at servicere europæiske og internationale markeder med EU GMP-certificerede medicinske cannabisprodukter. Tørret blomst er det første af flere produkter, som eksporteres fra det danske anlæg.

CelVivo ApS

Ørbækvej 264, 5220 Odense, Tlf. 70 22 82 28

CelVivo develops systems for growth of cells. The CelVivo system creates an environment, which promotes the growth and maintenance of large 3D tissue mimetic structures, whether they are spheroids, organoids and other aggregates. Celvivo has created a bioreactor, which supports the growth and cultivation of cells mimicking cells in a living organism.

Evosep Biosystems

Buchwaldsgade 35, 3, 5000 Odense, Tlf: 26 33 20 21, 

Evosep performs protein based clinical diagnostics. Through collaborations with world-leading scientists we work to develop new technologies and solutions to make sample separation 10 times faster and 100 times more robust than todays’ alternatives.


Rørhatten 4, 5220 Odense SØ,

GlyProVac ApS is pursuing the development of glycoprotein based vaccines.

Antibiotics resistance (AMR) is one of the biggest health challenges of the 21st century, compromising our ability to treat even simple infections. In 2050, 10 million people are expected to die yearly from untreatable microbial infections. New solutions are urgently needed, and vaccines offer a safe alternative to antibiotics.

In GlyProVac ApS we aim to design and develop novel, efficient bacterial vaccine candidates based on our proprietary platform technology BEMAP. Using BEMAP, we have revealed that both benign as well as disease causing bacteria such as E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Shigella, extensively modify their proteins with distinct sugar molecules, known as O-linked glycosylations. These modifications drastically influence the topology of the protein and are particularly well recognized by the human immune response. Based on our paradigm changing discovery we believe inclusion of these modifications are crucial for the development of efficient bacterial vaccines. We are currently establishing PoC for this novel bacterial vaccine concept in the E. coli family (for diarrhoea and urinary tract infection).

HouseTest ApS                                                                                               

Petersmindevej 1A, 5000 Odense, Tlf. 42 47 52 52,

HouseTest har udviklet markedets mest avancerede DNA-analyse, der ud fra en støv- eller luftprøve kan afgøre, om der er vækst af skimmelsvamp i den pågældende bygning, hvor prøven er taget. HouseTest’s patenterede DNA-analyse kan som den eneste metode skelne mellem skimmelsvamp der vokser i en bygning og udefra kommende skimmelsvamp. DNA-analysen kan bidrage til opsporing af skjult skimmelsvamp, da forskellige arter skimmelsvamp har forskellige foretrukne voksesteder. Herved begrænses de destruktive indgreb i boligen. 

Odense Universitets Hospital

Klinisk Genetisk Afdeling, J.B. Winsløws Vej 4, Indgang 24, 5000 Odense


Munkebjergvej 147, 5230 Odense M, Tlf. 71 70 40 13

Videnskab, dedikation og en masse kaffe. Startup med base i Odense, med fokus på omics data og softwareudvikling til sundhedsvæsnet.


Tesdorpfsvej 12, 5000 Odense C

Udvikler, markedsfører, licenserer og sælger lægemidler. Udvikle en forskningsplatform, der vil blive brugt til at identificere receptorer, der kan binde til lægemiddelkandidater, samt dermed beslægtede aktiviteter. Immunbaseret cancer terapi.


Oslogade 1, 5000 Odense, Tlf. 53 60 06 70,

Ossiform is the developer of a patented 3D printing technology to produce natural, patient specific, and resorbable bone implants that remodel into real living bone. In short: We Print Bone™. We use our award-winning technology to develop revolutionary bone implants, including implants that are designed to deliver additives such as pharmaceuticals and growth factors with wide ranging benefits for patients.​


Petersmindevej 1A, 5000 Odense, Tlf. 36 96 94 96, 

PentaBase is a knowledge-based Danish pharmacogenomics company founded and managed by researchers and located in the heart of Denmark. We specialize in custom oligonucleotide production and the development of in vitro diagnostic assays for real-time PCR with a special focus on the detection of somatic mutations in cancer and COVID-19.

Ranger Biotechnologies A/S

C.F. Tietgens Boulevard 30A st. th., 5220 Odense S

Virksomheden er et aktieselskab i branchen forskning og eksperimentel udvikling inden for bioteknologi.

Stargazing Bio Research

5000 Odens

Knowledge of the state-of-the-art within your focus area is essential to great investing, whether you are a private investor or a company. At Stargazing Bio Research we have developed a cutting edge method of database generation ensuring strictly quality controlled content. We stand by the fact that the biotech company databases we create have the highest homogeneity of any bio-research company out there. No where else will you find the amount of precision and complete data that we provide here. Should you want to learn more about the company, the databases or even make a request, make sure to reach out to us.

Andre jobmuligheder

Tornbjerg Gymnasium

Skærmhatten 15, 5220 Odense, Tlf. 66 15 71 02

Sct. Knuds Gymnasium

Læssøegade 154, 5230 Odense M

Odense Katedralskole

Jernbanegade 34, 5000 Odense C

Mulernes Legatskole

Gillestedvej 11, 5240 Odense NØ

Odense Tekniske Gymnasium

Munkebjergvej 130, 5230 Odense M

Nordfyns Gymnasium

Højagervej 25, 5471 Søndersø

Middelfart Gymnasium & HF

Østre Hougvej 97, 5500 Middelfart

Vestfyns Gymnasium

Langbygaardsvej 4, 5620 Glamsbjerg

Faaborg Gymnasium                                                                            

Sundagervej 42, 5600 Faaborg

Svendborg Gymnasium

A. P. Møllersvej 35, 5700 Svendborg

Oure Kostgymnasiuym

Vejstruplund 18A, 5882 Vejstrup

Midtfyns Gymnasium

Holmehøjvej 4, 5750 Ringe

Nyborg Gymnasium

Skolebakken 13, 5800 Nyborg

HF & VUC Fyn

Kottesgade 6, 5000 Odense C