Aarhus University Seal

CSB Logo

The official centre logo (left) shows a schematic overview of the macromolecular structure determination process by x-ray crystallography, as employed at the centre. To the left, the x-ray source emits radiation that travels to the right hitting the crystal (central orange star) and leading to diffraction. The diffraction is shown as concentric expanding circles from the crystal with individual reflections shown as lines alongside the cones. The x-ray direct beam continues to the right. Behind the diffraction experiment there is a schematic cartoon representation of a protein structure, consisting of an alpha-helix (red spiral) followed by two beta-strand (green arrows). Both are very common protein secondary structure motifs.

The logo is available in 4 JPEG versions, in Danish or English and with coloured or monochrome fill. Different file sizes are available for use in publications, presentations etc.


All material is ©2004 Centre for Structural Biology, Morten Kjeldgaard, and Ditlev Brodersen.
Use and/or reproduction of any sort outside the centre is permitted by agreement with the head of centre only.