Aarhus Universitets segl


EVAnet (the network of Extracellular Vesicle research in Aarhus) is a cross-departmental initiative started at Aarhus University to bring together researchers and students working in the highly interdiscplinary field of extracellular vesicles (EVs). The aim is to boost our research at large by joining forces across different departments/centres through collaborations and student education.


EVAnet Meetings

EVAnet Meetings consist of two forums:

  • [Network meeting] All members are invited to discuss network-related issues and research infrastructure
  • [Student meeting] Particularly for students and postdocs, to network and discuss science in a casual atmosphere

Topics for Network meetings:

  • Facilitating of collaborations between network members
  • Sharing of equipment and technical support with co-authorship
  • Joint application for research & infrastructure grants
  • Announcement of events, recruitments and open positions

Topics for Student meetings:

  • Sharing good papers (Journal club) or own technical experience
  • Trouble shooting on technical issues
  • Networking among students & postdocs who are actually in the lab

Frequency and Format:

  • Bi-monthly
  • Places to be rotated among MBG, iNANO, Biomed, and AUH
  • Network meeting (1 h): Project presentation (30 min) + Discussion forum
    * Can be adjusted if there are urgent topics to discuss.
  • Student meeting (1 h): Presentation of a scientific article with a focus on the methods, or presentation of own methods if trouble-shooting is needed (45 min) + Networking time (15 min)

Meeting Schedule

Location, Date & Time – Presenters in Spring 2025

  • 13th EVAnet Meeting at iNANO on 11th Apr 2025, 13.00-15.00
    – Vineesh Indira Chandran (AUH) & Christian Bredgaard Juul (MBG)
  • 14th EVAnet Meeting at AUH on 22nd May 2025, 13.00-15.00
    – Rikke Nørregaard (AUH) & Rachele Rossi (Biomed)

Become a Network Member

There is absolutely no fee to be a network member! Just need to be associated with the EV research happening at Aarhus University. New students, from bachelors to PhDs, as well as experienced postdocs and senior researchers are all welcome to join us ;) Please simply send an e-mail to Yuya (yuya.hayashi@mbg.au.dk) indicating your AU ID and the research group you are affiliated with. All members are included in the mailing list.

Contact Organizers

Overview of Our Research Infrastructure

EV Isolation and Purification


  • Beckman Coulter Optima L-100K, Type 60 Ti rotor (iNANO, MBG)
  • Beckman Coulter XP900, Type 70 Ti rotor (Food) – through collaboration with Martin Krøyer Rasmussen

Specialized size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)

  • Izon qEV SEC (AUH) – through collaboration with Kim Ryun Drasbek
  • Large-scale SEC (MBG) – through collaboration with Jan Trige Rasmussen

EV Characterization

Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA)

  • Malvern NanoSight LM10-HS (iNANO)
  • Malvern NanoSight NS300 (AUH)

Dynamic light scattering (DLS)

  • Malvern ZetaSizer Nano (iNANO)
  • Malvern ZetaSizer Pro (Food) – through collaboration with Martin Krøyer Rasmussen

Nano flow cytometry (nanoFCM)

  • Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX nano (FACS Core Facility, Biomed) – paid access or service

Flow cytometry (FCM) and cell sorter (FACS)

  • Sony ID7000 Spectral Cell Analyzer (FACS Core Facility, Biomed) – paid access or service
  • Agilent NovoCyte Quanteon (FACS Core Facility, Biomed) – paid access or service
  • Amnis ImageStreamX MkII Imaging Flow Cytometer (FACS Core Facility, Biomed) – paid access or service
  • Invitrogen Bigfoot Spectral Cell Sorter (FACS Core Facility, Biomed) – paid access or service

EV Imaging

Super-resolution microscopy

  • Oxford NanoImaging (ONI) microscope (iNANO) – through collaboration with Jørgen Kjems

Cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) and Cryo-correlative light-electron microscopy (Cryo-CLEM)

  • Titan Krios G3i (Embion) – paid access or service
  • Titan Krios (Embion) – paid access or service
  • Leica THUNDER Imager Cryo-CLEM (Embion) – paid access or service

High-throughput automated imaging

  • BioTek Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader (Food) – through collaboration with Martin Krøyer Rasmussen

EV Cargo Analysis

High-throughput analysis of miRNA

  • RNAseq and bioinformatics (Omiics ApS) – paid service
  • GeneChip miRNA Arrays (Food) – through collaboration with Martin Krøyer Rasmussen
  • Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION (AUH) – through collaboration with Rodrigo Grassi-Oliveira

Absolute quantitation of miRNA

  • Bio-Rad Droplet Digital PCR (Food) – through collaboration with Martin Krøyer Rasmussen
  • Qiagen QIAcuity Digital PCR System QIAcuity One, 5-plex channels (iNANO)

Model Organisms

Cell lines and primary cells

  • RAW264.7, SIM-A9, THP-1, HEK293T, IPEC-J2, Caco2, HT29, FH74 int, IEC-18, HepG2, Hepa1-6, HepaRG, C2C12, adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), primary monocytes, human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs), primary satellite cells, primary hepatocytes – see individual research profiles below.


  • Zebrafish (MBG) – through collaboration with Yuya Hayashi


Extracellular Vesicles – An Introduction

Course level

  • PhD (2.6 ECTS)


  • Spring (3 days)

Course organiser

  • Peter Lindberg Nejsum (Faculty of Health)

Brief description

We will cover basic aspects of EVs, which will include their nomenclature, biogenesis, their release and uptake as well as EV cargos. Different isolations methods will be presented such as ultracentrifugation, size exclusion chromatography and precipitation techniques and their pros and cons discussed. Different methods to identify, characterize and enumerate EVs will be presented and discussed as well as how to explore their content. As it is not a trivial task to work with EVs we will discuss critical things to consider during collection and isolation of EVs from various sample types and how to explore their function in vitro and in vivo. We will focus on human and model organism but also discuss non-model organisms, which are facing specific challenges. During the practical, you will learn to isolate EVs using size exclusion chromatography (qEV) and a precipitation technique. The size distribution and numbers of EVs in the samples isolated by the two methods will be examined using nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). Western blots will be used to identify classical EV makers.

Extracellular Vesicles in Health and Disease

Course level

  • Master (5 ECTS)


  • Summer course (3 weeks)

Course organiser

  • Peter Lindberg Nejsum (Faculty of Health)

Brief description

You will be introduced to the field of EV rearch with the theorertical background and technical challenges in isolation and characterization of EVs. We will then discuss how to explore EV function in vitro and in vivo and, lastly the diagnostic and therapeutic potential of EVs (e.g. as drug delivery systems, vaccines). During the practical sessions, you will learn how to isolate EVs using size exclusion chromatography (qEV) and a polymer precipitation technique. The size distribution and numbers of EVs isolated will be determined using nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). Classical EV makers will be identified using Western Blot, and proteomics will be used to explore how different conditions affect the protein content of EVs. Though the focus of the course will be on mouse and human EVs, we will also cover and discuss EVs from non-model organisms, including outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) and some of their specific challenges and opportunities (e.g. drug delivery system). As many of the methods and considerations for working with EVs are the same irrespectively of their source, this course is relevant for most people interested or already active in the EV field.

Flow Cytometry

Course level

  • PhD (3.5 ECTS)


  • Spring and Autumn (6 days; the course runs twice a year)

Course organiser

  • Charlotte Christie Petersen (FACS Core Facility, Faculty of Health)

Brief description

This course provides hands-on introduction to flow cytometry in general which is necessary to understand how EVs can be analysed using regular flow cytometers. There is one lecture that specifically features analysis of EVs in flow cytometry, followed by an instrument demonstration of our state-of-the-art infrastructure, CytoFLEX nano, a flow cytometer specialized in EV analysis and other nano-sized particles.
In contrast to most basic flow cytometry courses and online resources, this intensive training course teaches key concepts by derivation from "first principles". The course thus covers the progression from the basic physics of light and fluorescence, through fluorochrome chemistry, spectral overlap and compensation, and antibody panel design, experiment design, flow cytometry controls, and data analysis. On the instrumentation side, the course provides a detailed understanding of the core components in modern flow cytometers, thus covering light detection principles, fluidics, optics and signal processing. Data analysis and compensation is taught by a "hands-on" approach via practical computer exercises with FlowJo software and generic, raw flow cytometry data files (participants are encouraged to bring their own PC and data, if relevant). Advanced data analysis approaches (clustering, dimensionality reduction, tSNE and more) are presented in the last part of the course. In addition, guidelines for publishing flow cytometry data will be covered.

Associated Research Groups

FACS Core Facility – Fluorescence/Scatter-Based Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles

Key words: Single/Bulk EV Analysis, Flow Cytometry, Imaging Flow Cytometry

  • Department of Biomedicine

Anja Bille Bohn

Imaging Flowcytometri - Flowcytometrispecialist

EV Expertise

EV characterization

Laboratoy Location

Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10

Research Area

The FACS Core Facility provides access to well-maintained instrumentation and training as a fee for service.

Sony ID7000 Spectral Cell Analyzer

Flow cytometer capable of resolving particles down to 160 nm on scatter. Johann Mar Gudbergsson has experience in analysing EVs with this.

Agilent NovoCyte Quanteon

Flow cytometer capable of resolving particles down to 100 nm only by scatter but smaller when using fluorescence. Link to the manufacturer's application note.

Amnis ImageStreamX MkII Imaging Flow Cytometer

Imaging flow cytometer capable of resolving particles down to 100 nm only by scatter but smaller when using fluorescence. Yuya Hayashi has experience in analysing EVs with this. Link to a methodology paper on the analysis of EVs labelled by CD63-EGFP.

Invitrogen Bigfoot Spectral Cell Sorter

A Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter (FACS) which has small particle detection mode enabling it to resolve/sort particles down to 100-160 nm – EV-sorting on this instrument has not been tested yet.

Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX nano Analyzer

A dedicated Small Particle Flow Cytometer capable of resolving particles down to 40 nm on scatter and to separate particle with a size difference down to 10 nm. Analysis of particles between 450-800 nm require authorization from the FACS Core Facility. Particles above 800 nm cannot be acquired on this instrument.

Schwann Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Axonal Homeostasis and Regenerative Processes

Key words: Exosomes, Intercellular communication, Schwann cells, Animal model

  • Department of Biomedicine


EV Expertise

EV imaging, EV characterization

Laboratoy Location

Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 10

Research Area

Our genetic mouse model allows us to specifically visualize Schwann cell (SC)-derived EVs through fluorescent tag. Our aim is to investigate basic facts about SC-derived EVs, in particular their biogenesis, release and internalization in target cells. Future studies will determine SC-derived EVs involvement in axonal homeostasis and regeneration after injury.
Our current focus is the identification of an efficient and reproducible method for the isolation of SC-derived EVs from mouse peripheral nerves.

Mouse model

Tamoxifen-inducible transgenic mouse model expressing hCD63-copGFP tag on EVs membrane under the activity of Mpz promoter, specific for Schwann cells in peripheral nerves.

Molecular Nutrition Aspects of Extracellular Vesicles

Key words: 

  • Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

EV Expertise

miRNA, Protein, EV characterization

Laboratoy Location

Universitetsbyen 81

Research Area

We are characterizing and studying foodborne extracellular vesicles mostly from milk (human, bovine, caprine). Main interest is intestinal uptake, bioactivity, and molecular nutrition, as well as impact of industrial processing on EV integrity. Techniques to gently isolate EV is a speciality. Testing on cells grown in culture constitute a major tool.

Cell lines

Macrophage-like cells (RAW264.7, THP-1), Intestinal cell lines (Caco-2, HT29, FH74 int, IEC-18, IPEC-J2), Entroendocrine cells and many others.


SEC, RP-HPLC, IEX, HIC, Affinity chromatography (attachment of self-selected ligands). Possibility for large-scale EV isolation.

Specific EV labelling

By lactadherin-fluorophore conjugates (binds to phosphatidylserine in the phospholipid membrane).

Key words: EV, miRNA, Biomarker, Visualization, Tracking, RNA Therapeutic, Delivery Vesicle

  • Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)

  • Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

EV Expertise

miRNA, Synthetic EV, EV characterization, EV imaging

Laboratoy Location

Gustav Wieds Vej 14

Research Area

Extracellular vesicles, RNA therapeutics, synthetic biology, cellular interactions, microRNA, circRNA, aptamers, RNA biomarkers.

Oxford Nanoimager (ONI)

Nanoimager fluorescent and super-resolution microscopy with imaging modes for epifluorescence, total internal reflection (TIRF) and HiLo. The microscope has four laser lines 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm. The microscope can image in real-time ideal for tracking of single molecules and is equipped with a temperature controller and a micro fluiding pumping system. Read more here (https://oni.bio/nanoimager/).

Contact person for ONI: Mette Malle <malle@inano.au.dk>
OBS: the microscope is not trivial to use and Mette is happy to collaborate and/or help with everything from guiding which fluorophores should be used, microscope surface preparation and imaging conditions.

Precision NanoSystems NanoAssemblr Ignite

For nanoparticle synthesis. Read more here (https://www.precisionnanosystems.com/platform-technologies/product-comparison/ignite).

NanoString CosMx Spatial Molecular Imager

For 2D single-cell spatial transcriptomics. Read more here (https://nanostring.com/products/cosmx-spatial-molecular-imager/).

Fida Biosystems Fidabio

For flow Induced Dispersion Analysis (FIDA) to study binding parameters in solution. Read more here (https://fidabio.com/products/)

Malvern NanoSight LM10-HS

Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) for size and concentration determination (single-particle approach).

Malvern ZetaSizer Nano

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) for determination of size distributions (ensemble approach, intensity biased).

Qiagen QIAcuity Digital PCR System QIAcuity One, 5-plex channels

Digital PCR for absolute quantification with multiplexing.

Extracellular Vesicles and Micro RNAs in Stroke Diagnosis and Treatment

Key words: Stroke, Plasma EVs, miRNA, Cellular Models

  • Department of Clinical Medicine
    (Aarhus University Hospital)

EV Expertise

miRNA, EV characterization

Laboratoy Location

Aarhus University Hospital, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 45

Research Area

We study stroke diagnostics and treatment utilizing characterization of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in the blood as well as the vast number of secreted miRNAs and other small RNAs. We work closely together with clinicians to obtain acute blood samples and use a multitude of molecular biological techniques including EV isolation and characterization, cellular stroke model systems, RNA purification and quantification as well as bioinformatics.

Primary cells

Human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs).

Izon qEV size-exclusion chromatography

For routine EV isolation.

Malvern NanoSight NS300

Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) for size and concentration determination (single-particle approach). Available at Blood & Biochemistry, AUH.

Micro RNA and Extracellular Vesicles in Food Science

Key words: miRNA, Exosomes, Plants, Cultivated Meat, Bioactivity

EV Expertise

miRNA, EV characterization

Laboratoy Location

Agro Food Park 48

Research Area

We do research within the context of food science. We are currently looking at EV and miRNAs in plants and their impact on health. Also, we are trying to understand the role of EVs and miRNA for myogenesis.

Cell lines and primary cells

Primary cultures of satellite cells and hepatocytes. IPEC-J2, Caco2, HepG2, Hepa1-6, HepaRG and C2C12 lines are also available.

GeneChip miRNA Arrays

Gene-chip based mapping of miRNAs in tissue or fluids.

BioTek Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader

High-throughput automated microscopy combined with microplate reader, used for e.g. determination of EV uptake.

Beckman Coulter XP900, Type 70 Ti rotor

For ultracentrifugation of EVs.

Malvern ZetaSizer Pro

Dynamic light scattering (DLS) for EV sizing.

Bio-Rad Droplet Digital PCR

ddPCR for determining the absolute quantity of miRNA content in EVs.

* All research infrastructure can be accessed through collaboration.

Key words: 

  • Department of Clinical Medicine
    (Aarhus University Hospital)

EV Expertise

miRNA, Protein

Laboratoy Location

Aarhus University Hospital, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 45

Research Area

Cell lines and primary cells

RAW264.7, SIM-A9, THP-1, HEK293T, IPEC-J2, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), primary monocytes, adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs).

EV labelling

In vivo (pre-)labelling of EVs, engineered labelling of EVs, and engineered loading of therapeutic proteins into EVs.

The CONAN assay

Augmented COlorimetric NANoplasmonic (CONAN) method for determining purity and concentration of EVs using gold nanoparticles.

Brain-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Psychiatry

Key words: Brain-derived EVs, miRNA, Proteomics, Postmortem Brain, Substance Use Disorders, Mood Disorders

  • Department of Clinical Medicine
    (Aarhus University Hospital)

EV Expertise

miRNA, tRNA, Protein, EV characterization

Laboratoy Location

Aarhus University Hospital, Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 11 (FORUM)

Research Area

Our project investigates miRNA-protein interactions in Brain-Derived Extracellular Vesicles (BDEs) from individuals with Substance Use Disorders (SUD), with and without Major Depression (MDD). We hypothesize these BDEs exhibit distinct profiles reflective of CNS pathophysiological changes due to substance use and neuro-inflammatory responses. Focusing on differential expression of miRNAs and proteins linked to neuro-inflammation, neurogenesis, and neuroplasticity, we aim to identify biomarkers for understanding underlying mechanisms in dual diagnosis and developing novel treatments. This includes validating plasma BDE findings with postmortem brain tissue EVs. This method offers the possibility for real-time tracking of disorder progression and treatment response, underscoring the importance of EVs in the field of Psychiatry.

Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION

Portable nanopore sequencing device for high-throughput, simultaneous DNA/RNA reads of fragments ≥20 base pairs.

A Startup Specialized in EV RNA Profiling

Key words: EV RNA, Biomarkers, Biofluids, EV protein, Organ-specific EVs

  • EVGenomics ApS

Yan Yan

CEO & Co-founder, EVGenomics ApS






AU Life Science Hub
Universitetsbyen 81
Aarhus University

EV Expertise

miRNA, tRNA, Protein, EV characterization

Laboratoy Location

AU Life Science Hub, Universitetsbyen 81

Research Area

EV isolation and characterization, RNA sequencing and digital PCR, Advanced EV RNA profiling, EV protein profiling (under development), 10x single-cell RNA sequencing.

Tailored support for EV studies

Our team provides customized solutions for EV research, with a strong focus on EV RNA investigation. We are also developing cutting-edge methods for EV protein profiling.

Organ-specific EV isolation

We are actively exploring innovative approaches to isolate organ-specific EVs from biofluids, enabling precise diagnostics and treatment monitoring for various diseases.

A Zebrafish Approach to Extracellular Vesicle Biology and Nanomedicine

Key words: Bioimaging, EV Engineering, EVomics, EV-Protein Corona, Tissue Regeneration, Macrophage & Endothelial Biology

  • Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

  • Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO)

EV Expertise

miRNA, Protein, EV-protein corona, EV characterization, EV imaging, EV engineering

Laboratoy Location

Universitetsbyen 81

Research Area

We study EVs as the new frontier of cell-to-cell communication. For example, by which mechanisms can EVs find the target recipient cells via the bloodstream? What kind of messages are conveyed to regulate/support the recipient cells? How can we engineer EVs for biomedical applications? With zebrafish as our little partners, we seek answers to these questions by nanoscience approaches, bioinformatics, genetic engineering and 4D imaging of live transgenic embryos.

Zebrafish models

We have two approaches: genetic engineering of endogenous EVs with a fluorescent reporter and microinjection of (fluorescently labelled) EVs including, but not limited to, human-derived EVs. In both cases, EVs are imaged in live zebrafish embryos using optical microscopes to study the secretion & uptake kinetics (via transgenesis), biodistribution (if microinjected), and interactions with cells of interest (e.g. macrophages and endothelial cells). Our genetic approach is not just about fluorescent labelling; we can engineer EVs in any way through transfection of zebrafish embryos to obtain in vivo results within a week. Collaborations on tissue injury models and EV injections are welcome!

Immunoprecipitation of EVs

Nanobody beads for EV isolation from tissues (zebrafish embryos).

Electron microscopy of EVs

Through Embion. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and cryo-correlative light-electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM) for imaging EVs at ultrastructural resolution.