Aarhus Universitets segl


Peter Andersen - Laboratory on Genetic Innovation

Joining the PRA Genetic Innovation Lab

The vision

The vision of our lab is two-fold:

  1. To make new and exciting discoveries in animal genome regulation
  2. To develop the skills and careers of students and postdocs.

These two aspects are interdependent: a major driving force of scientific progress is enthusiastic students and postdocs embarking on each their own scientific journey of training through discoveries. I am convinced that these goals are best reached in an environment where scientific discussion, thinking, freedom, collaboration and experimental possibilities are as open as possible. We therefore put a strong emphasis on motivation, independent thinking, openness and personal fit with the current lab members when recruiting people to our lab. We don’t micro-manage, but instead put a lot of effort into developing skills of project management, experimental craftmanship and data analyses with all trainees.

Current openings

We recurrently have open positions for PhD students and postdocs. If our research and lab philosophy spark interest, please get in touch with Peter via email. In general, previous experience within the fields of gene expression mechanisms, genetic conflicts or germline biology are advantages as are experience with methods in RNA biology, computational biology and genome editing. However, the most important criteria in our recruitments are deep scientific curiosity, independent drive and reciprocal fit within the lab group.