Aarhus Universitets segl

Astrid Munk



Primær tilknytning

Astrid Munk




Event coordinator

I am the main coordinator of scientific events at DANDRITE. DANDRITE takes a proactive role in offering events that support both the community and the individual researcher to be inspired academically, network wise, career wise and in their general well-being. My approach to event planning is structured and holistic, and my aim is to make our events accessible, inclusive and purposeful. I coordinate our DANDRITE Lecture-series, the yearly DANDRITE Retreat, Group Leader Retreat, our yearly open house event DANDRITE Encounters and our outreach participation in the Danish Science Festival, to name some.

Administrative tasks

I perform a variety of administrative services, such as supporting recruitments and extensions, onboarding and welcoming new staff and students, planning of meetings and travels, settlement of accounts, and smaller grant applications. In this role I also act as a link between the researchers and the local university units and thereby facilitating smooth communication and cooperation.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

I work as an advisor and sparring partner on topics in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion together with the support team. My approach is to develop concrete actions in my daily work, that improve the sense of inclusion and the well-being of our staff and students. I insist on asking questions to our norms and investigate how we can keep improving our approaches.


Jeg er en del af et lille, innovativt, fleksibelt, effektivt og omsorgsfuldt team, navnlig DANDRITE support teamet. Målet for teamet er at understøtte vores Gruppeledere og deres grupper i deres daglige arbejde, og i sidste ende at skabe de bedst mulige betingelser for, at de kan udføre forskning inden for molekylær neurovidenskab på topniveau.

Kontakt mig hvis du er vil drøfte temaer såsom diversity og inklusion i akademia, onboarding, rekruttering, event planlægning eller lignende.


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